To apply for summer camp support, camper families must be members of their local ostomy chapter or peer support group, or you are welcome to join Ostomy Halifax.
To join Ostomy Halifax, please contact Theresa Mason at treasurer@ostomyhalifax.ca.
Get in touch to find out more on how we support kids and teens who want to attend summer camp. Please contact Elaine Jeffery at elainejeffery1@gmail.com or call 902-465-3533
Camp Brigadoon
Camp Guts and Glory
"Giving extraordinary kids a chance to be ordinary"
Located on Aylesford Lake in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Camp Brigadoon - Camp Guts & Glory is an overnight summer camp for children and youth aged 7-18 living with Crohn’s, colitis, an ostomy, an ileostomy, or a cecostomy.
There are a variety of camp activities like swimming, canoeing, campfires, crafts, plays and just plain fun. Most importantly, the kids have the opportunity to meet other kids who have had similar life experiences. Their opportunity to share their stories and to have support from the trained medical support workers on staff make a huge difference in a child's life.
The Guts and Glory camp will have approximately 75 campers
The menus for each camp are carefully planned by an Executive Chef and a pediatric dietitian from the IWK Health Centre.
A counsellor is assigned to each cabin group and will be nearby 24/7 to ensure campers are safe and having fun!
The camp has a fully-licenced medical team that manages the on-site Medical Center at camp to dispense medication and provide treatment.
The village has 5 lodges, a large dining hall, dock and beach area, trails, fire pits, playground and an overnight camp site
Ostomy Halifax will pay for the entire cost of the camp for any child from Atlantic Canada if a family does not have the means to pay the registration fee. If you have the means to help in part, that would be greatly appreciated. Ostomy Halifax may also be able to assist with the cost of a support worker for a child who needs additional help.
Ostomy Halifax Camp Coordinator:
Elaine Jeffery
Camp Triumph
“Camp Triumph is for children who have a sibling or parent with a serious chronic illness or disability.”
Camp Triumph is all about having new experiences, connecting with others who have similar challenges, gaining confidence, and having fun. This camp, located in Prince Edward Island, brings together children and youth from across Canada to experience a special haven, where the daily stresses take a backseat and the campers are the focus!
Ostomy Halifax will pay for the entire cost of the camp for any child from Atlantic Canada if a family does not have the means to pay the registration fee. If you have the means to help in part, that would be greatly appreciated. Ostomy Halifax may also be able to assist with the cost of a support worker for a child who needs additional help.
Ostomy Halifax Camp Coordinator:
Elaine Jeffery
Camp Horizon
“Easter Seals Camp Horizon provides individuals with disabilities and medical conditions life-changing outdoor camp experiences. This camp offers a unique opportunity for campers to build self-esteem and independence. Activities challenge their mind and body, while creating lasting friendships and life-long memories.”
This Youth Camp is a national program run by Ostomy Canada. Easter Seals Camp Horizon is located at Bragg Creek, southwest of Calgary, Alberta. This is such an exceptional opportunity for kids to truly believe that they are not alone. We urge parents to look at every picture and ask yourself, should my child be here?
Special thanks to Lisa Gausman for all the pictures which were taken at Camp Horizon.
Ostomy Halifax will pay for the entire cost of the camp for any child from Atlantic Canada if a family does not have the means to pay the registration fee. If you have the means to help in part, that would be greatly appreciated. Ostomy Halifax may also be able to assist with the cost of a support worker for a child who needs additional help.
Ostomy Halifax Camp Coordinator:
Elaine Jeffery
As a parent we know the stress, worries and considerations involved with sending your child head to summer camp! You might be thinking "My child has never been away from home, my child has never been on a plane, we don't have the resources, we can't." Maybe that is so. However, we are here to help and support you and your child. Think about the following:
The Maritimes are a very small part of the population of Canada however 1 child out of every 6 who goes to Ostomy Camp comes from our region
Camp Leaders are invariably ex campers, who had such a positive experience they ask to return as leaders. Not only are the camp leaders ostomates but a fully qualified Enterostomal Nurse (ET) is present at all times
Ostomy Canada and Ostomy Halifax work together to insure that NO child is ever turned down due to financial concerns
Ostomy Halifax makes all the transportation arrangements including purchasing plane fares, seeing the kids off at the airport and meeting them when they return. For more info call Elaine 902-465-3533
How do I contribute financially if I am able? The cost in July 2017 was approximately $1,700 per child which included camp fees and return airfare from Halifax. If you have the means we ask you to make a contribution you can afford.
Anna Campbell, who has had a cecostomy tube since she was four years old, spoke to Ostomy Halifax's December 2015 monthly meeting about her camp experience. Anna first went to ostomy camp when she was 12 years old. To read Anna's story click here
Anna also coordinates the Ostomy Halifax Instagram page. Please have a look at: https://www.instagram.com/ostomy.hfx
For more detailed information about the camp and the programs offered please go to Ostomy Canada's Youth Camp web page
Does your child have a bladder issue caused by a birth defect, cancer or a motor vehicle accident? Full sponsorship for ALL camp costs may be available under the terms of the Shane Banfield Memorial Fund - email info1@ostomycanada.ca
for more information