Meetings & Ostomy Halifax Info
Ostomy Halifax General Meeting
Sunday, April 6th, 2025
Time & Location: 2pm-4pm ADT at Woodlawn United Church (54 Woodlawn Road, Dartmouth)
Guest Speaker: TBA
Ostomy Halifax General Meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month (except in July & Aug - no meetings) at 2pm Atlantic time at Woodlawn United Church.
Quarterly Newsletters
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What you need to know
Upcoming or new ostomate? We’ve put together a short list of key information/FAQs
Stories from Ostomates
Stories from Nova Scotians living with ostomies.
Our vision is to help the over 3,000 ostomates in Nova Scotia achieve the highest quality of life possible by providing support to them and their families.
Government Assistance
Learn more about the Disability Tax Credit, Registered Disability Savings Plan, Assistance offered by Nova Scotia, and other resources.
Find a NSWOC
A Nurse specializing in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC), is a registered nurse (RN) who has specialized training in treating patients with ostomies.
Youth Camps
Ostomy Halifax offers a wide variety of support for ostomates of all ages.