Donate using CanadaHelps
CanadaHelps is a registered Canadian Charity which helps charities by offering a secure site to receive donations by pay pal, debit/credit card.
By cheque or E-Transfer
If you simply prefer to send us a cheque we will send you a tax receipt directly. If you wish, we would be pleased to send a note of thanks on your behalf.
Ostomy Halifax
PO Box 8476 Halifax, NS B3K 5M2
E-Transfer to treasurer@ostomyhalifax.ca
United Way
Payroll donations in support of United Way can be directed to a charity of your choice. Ask for information about this option at the start of your employers next United Way campaign.
Gifts of securities and other capital assets
There can be significant advantages to making a donation, even a relatively modest one. Two reasons to consider this option are paying less tax and giving more. Please consult your financial adviser for more information. General information is available by contacting finance@ostomyhalifax.ca
The Ostomy Halifax Endowments
All Donations to our Endowment Funds are invested. Prudent investment of these funds will soon provide more income for our daily programming costs than all our other sources of revenue combined.
Donations can be made at any time or as a gift in your will. Please take a moment to read about the unrestricted Founders Fund and our restricted Youth Fund.
If you would like to find out more, we invite you to contact our President or Finance Chair.
Ostomy Halifax Society Volunteers
Ostomy Halifax Society (OHS) is a volunteer-led organization and we are passionate about helping people with ostomies to live life to the fullest! Volunteers do everything at OHS and we are very proud of what we do.
We have a meeting of all members, the first Sunday of every month (except in July and August). Our greeters meet you at the door, get you signed in and make you feel welcome. You may notice someone making coffee or putting out the chairs for the meeting as you wait for the meeting to begin.
We run an excellent visitation program and our trained, volunteer visitors see many new ostomates annually, usually in the hospital.
Our volunteer team sends young people to camp in hopes they will have fun, relax, and perhaps learn something about themselves and others along the way.
We run OHS with a volunteer executive and business team, volunteer committees - all powered by a passion to help, support others and to have fun doing it.
Want to join our team or contribute financially? We would love to hear from you.